Key Actions by:

Standard 10: Laying the foundations for effective donor engagement and accountability.

Lay the foundations for successful donor engagement throughout the project.

Develop project templates that support compliance with donor and grant requirements.

  • Why

    Meeting donor expectations for award deliverables, including regular project reports, is key to effective donor engagement and accountability. In cases where donors do not provide specific templates for reports and other deliverables, the project team and subject-matter experts must develop appropriate templates. Developing such templates and providing orientation to project staff on their use early in the project start-up period:

    • Demonstrates CRS’ commitment to compliance and accountability.
    • Helps CRS and partner staff to internalize and understand donor requirements and expectations.
    • Enables CRS to provide information in formats that address donor requirements, information needs, and communication preferences.
    • Helps individual CRS and partner staff understand how the information they will collect and prepare fits into the bigger picture of stewardship and compliance.
  • Who

    • Primary responsible: Project manager or chief of party (PM/CoP)
      • The PM or CoP oversees the process of developing project templates.

    • Others involved: Head of operations (HoOps); MEAL staff; finance manager or designate; risk and compliance staff; supply chain management staff, as applicable; information and communication technology (ICT) staff; IDEA staff (for centrally-funded awards); CRS and partner project staff
      • The HoOps, MEAL staff, finance staff, risk and compliance, and other operations staff, along with IDEA staff, ensure that the templates developed are consistent with CRS and donor needs, policies, and requirements;
      • ICT staff support as needed with expertise related optimizing the flow and consolidation of data for reporting;
      • CRS and partner project staff provide feedback on the templates

  • When

    Finalize templates before the submission of the first report(s) or any other early deliverable, generally:

    • In the first month for projects shorter than 12 months
    • In the first quarter for projects longer than 12 months
    • As soon as possible for emergency projects

    Whenever possible, prepare templates in time to review during the project start-up workshop.