Key Actions by:

Standard 8: Timely and comprehensive project financial set-up.

Set up a project financial management system based on updated activity plans that supports a quick start-up and effective financial management throughout the project.

Key Action 1 Review the draft donor agreement to make sure that CRS can meet the donor's financial requirements.

Head of operations, or finance manager if there is no HoOps, for country program-administered projects; IDEA staff for centrally-signed agreements; finance manager and other relevant country program/HQ subject-matter experts, depending on the nature and value of the award and as required by the Agreement Process Map; the deputy regional director for management quality (DRD MQ), or the IDEA staff’s supervisor; agreement owner; and regional finance officer, if requested by the DRD MQ.

  • Immediately after the donor shares the draft agreement
Key Action 2 Work with partners to assess their financial management capacity and develop improvement plans.

Head of operations; project manager or chief of party; finance manager or other assigned finance or compliance staff; head of programming or other assigned programming staff; country representative.

  • For new sub-recipients or other sub-recipients requiring an updated assessment: Conduct sub-recipient financial management assessments before preparing the sub-recipient agreement, since assessment results will affect the reporting frequency specified in the agreement.
  • Assessments may be conducted during the design stage (see Standard 3, key action 4 for more information); for externally-funded projects, it’s more common to conduct the assessment during start-up. If assessments were not completed during the design phase, complete the assessment(s) in the pre-award start-up period if possible, once there is a strong indication of a likely win.
Key Action 3 Refine the project budget based on changes in the operating context and detailed implementation planning, including all program and operations activities.

Project manager/chief of party (PM/CoP); finance manager and/or finance officer or accountant; head of operations; supply chain management staff including procurement, as needed; human resources; and CRS partners

  • For budget refinements related to the operational context: Shortly after project approval and before detailed budget entry.
  • For budget refinements related to detailed activity planning: Immediately after the detailed implementation plan development.
Key Action 5 Review and document project-specific financial management requirements, roles and responsibilities.

Project manager/chief of party; head of operations; head of programming; finance manager and other finance staff assigned to the project (e.g. accountant, finance officer); other project staff with specific financial management responsibilities (e.g. deputy chief of party)

Key Action 6 Work with partners to set up project-specific financial management and reporting processes, formats, and schedules, and orient partner staff on them.

Project manager or chief of party (PM/CoP); finance manager and/or other assigned finance staff; partner staff; regional finance officer (RFO) and/or deputy regional director for management quality if needed; IDEA staff as applicable.

  • As part of signing sub-agreements and prior to transferring project funds to partners; early in the start-up phase if partners are scheduled to implement activities in the first few months of the project.
  • For externally funded projects: Start the process upon receipt of the draft donor agreement.