Key Actions by:

Standard 5: Early engagement with donor to inform design.

Engage donor prior to and (as possible) during project design and proposal development to encourage a manageable and realistic project scope, budget and timeline in line with donor priorities.

Key Action 2 Engage in capture planning for specific funding opportunities, including efforts to influence the call for proposals.

Capture planning manager; country representative (CR) or CR’s delegate (often the country program business development (BD) staff, if the position exists); regional BD staff; head of programming; project managers/chiefs of party; IDEA staff; country program senior management team; technical advisors; human resources manager; headquarters human resources staff as needed

  • When CRS has determined a prospective funding opportunity is of interest
Key Action 3 Take advantage of opportunities to influence, clarify, and provide feedback on the donor’s priorities for a specific funding opportunity.

Country representative or delegate (often country program business development staff, if the position exists); proposal coordinator; head of programming; IDEA staff; proposal development team members; regional and country program business development staff; project managers/chiefs of party; country program, regional and/or HQ technical advisors, as applicable; partner leadership and partner proposal development team members

  • Throughout the process of preparing for a specific funding opportunity, including after any donor request for information or feedback before the release of a formal funding opportunity
  • During proposal development (as permitted)