Key Actions by:

Standard 18: Learning from and leveraging results during close-out.

Engage participants, partners, donors, host or local governments and other stakeholders in project close-out evaluation and reflection activities with the intent of learning from and leveraging the project.

Upload key project learning-related documents to Gateway (and donor databases as applicable) for institutional memory and accessibility and for use in donor engagement.

  • Who

    • Primary responsible: Project manager or chief of party (PM/CoP), or IDEA staff (for centrally-funded awards)
      • The PM/CoP ensures that all required project documents as well as documents capturing project learning are uploaded to Gateway as part of project close-out;
      • For centrally-managed awards, IDEA staff may upload final documents submitted to and approved by donors.

    • Others involved: IDEA or PIQA staff as appropriate
      • IDEA and PIQA staff may have information to contribute to institution records related to the experience of working with individual partners and donors.

    Frontload the upload! While final close-out documentation cannot be uploaded until the end of the project, as noted earlier in the project management standards, CRS staff should upload project documentation to Gateway as documents are finalized (including any revisions following donor review), throughout design, start-up and implementation.

  • Partnership
    • While partners contribute to project learning and reporting as part of project close-out, CRS is responsible to ensure documentation of the same and make these documents available on Gateway and any donor databases.
    • It’s essential that the PM/CoP updates the Gateway institution record for each partner with any big-picture information about CRS’ experience implementing the project with the partner. This applies to international NGO partners (sub and prime), local NGO partners, and other types of partners (e.g., universities, research institutions). The PM/CoP should also personally brief other staff involved in working with that partner (e.g., university engagement staff; local or regional partnership staff; senior management team members; technical advisors) on the project partnership experience. However, capturing information on Gateway ensures institutional memory about the partnering experience and can help inform future partner identification and selection.
    • Save project specific-information related to CRS partners (e.g., close-out reports submitted by partners, the report from CRS’ final sub-recipient financial monitoring trip, etc., close-out correspondence with partners, etc.) to the project-specific partner relationship record.
  • When CRS is a sub-recipient
    • Follow the same process for documents developed by CRS for internal learning or submission to the prime.
    • The prime is responsible for submitting any final project documents to any donor databases.
    • Update the Gateway institution record for the prime to document wider CRS’ learning about the experience of working with the prime. This kind of information is particularly helpful for other CRS teams considering working with the prime in future and frequently is not captured or is lost during staff turnover.
    • Use the award record to document information/correspondence with the prime with relevance to the project only, but not the wider CRS-prime relationship. 
  • Emergency projects
    • Follow the same process.