Key Actions by:

Standard 18: Learning from and leveraging results during close-out.

Engage participants, partners, donors, host or local governments and other stakeholders in project close-out evaluation and reflection activities with the intent of learning from and leveraging the project.

Conduct a final evaluation or after-action review which engages stakeholders in interpreting results and generating learning.

  • Partnership
    • Engage partners fully in the after-action review or final evaluation process, including the evaluation reflection event to analyze and interpret findings and identify project learning.
    • In projects where one or more partners is only involved in discrete components of the project, tailor reflection event participation appropriately, and ensure there are opportunities for partner staff to hear about overall project learning (e.g. participation in wider project close-out events).  
    • In the case of large partner project teams, work with partners to identify the staff best-placed to contribute to the evaluation reflection event. Support partners as needed to share learning from the reflection with project staff who did not participate in the reflection event, along with any other staff in their organizations who might benefit from project learning (see MEAL Procedure 3.7.MEAL Procedure 3.7: Reflect on evaluation findings with partners and other stakeholders to generate appropriate recommendations and inform agency learning. ).
  • When CRS is a sub-recipient
    • The prime is responsible for the final project evaluation and related learning events.
    • CRS may organize its own learning events with partners for the final evaluation if the event organized by the prime is not sufficiently inclusive or is not likely to draw out the kind of learning more useful for CRS and partners. Follow the process outlined in steps 2-4 above for any CRS-organized events.
  • Emergency projects
    • Follow the same process for emergency projects, telescoping the steps as needed.