Key Actions by:

Standard 9: Proactive recruitment and onboarding for timely start-up.

Staff the project in time with the right people using recruitment and orientation best practices.

Make sure all proposed project positions for CRS and partners have clear job descriptions.

  • Why

    Staffing arrangements can change during the proposal process. It is important to update job descriptions (JDs) based on the final, approved project proposal, to fully reflect the final staffing arrangements, including specific responsibilities. Clear JDs for all CRS and partner project staff:

    • Provide objective standards for each job, promoting a fair and strong recruitment process.
    • Promote good project management by clarifying roles, responsibilities, and lines of authority.
    • Enable staff to perform well by providing clear expectations of their roles.
  • Who

    • Primary responsible: Human resources (HR) manager or officer (for national staff) and headquarters (HQ) talent acquisition specialist (for international staff)
      • The HR manager (or officer) or HQ talent acquisition specialist leads the process to ensure each project position has a clear job description (JD).

    • Others involved: Hiring manager; project manager/chief of party (PM/CoP) (for positions for which the PM/CoP is not the hiring manager); country representative (CR) or delegated approver
      • The hiring manager (often the PM/CoP) works with HR to develop/update JDs.
      • The PM/CoP provides support to HR and partners, and uses final JDs for onboarding and project management;
      • The CR or delegate provides approval.

  • Partnership
    • During start-up, identify a CRS staff person to support partners on HR issues; among other types of support, this staff member can assist partners in writing JDs as appropriate.
    • Ensure that partner JDs are of the same quality as CRS staff JDs and reflect the requirements needed for the project positions. For partners who do not have standardized JD templates, CRS’ standard job description templates may be a useful starting point for informing partner job descriptions for similar positions.
  • When CRS is a sub-recipient
    • Follow the same process when CRS is a sub-recipient.
  • Emergency projects
    • Follow the same process for emergency projects.