Key Actions by:

Standard 9: Proactive recruitment and onboarding for timely start-up.

Staff the project in time with the right people using recruitment and orientation best practices.

Make sure there are staff in place for project start-up.

  • Who

    • Primary responsible: Head of programming (HoP)
      • The HoP takes the lead in finalizing and implementing start-up staffing arrangements such as roles and responsibilities, and organizational charts, etc., in collaboration with the HR manager.

    • Others involved: Human resources (HR) manager; project manager/chief of party (PM/CoP) or acting PM; deputy regional director for program quality (DRD/PQ) and deputy regional director for management quality (DRD/MQ); head of operations (HoOps); country representative (CR).
      • The HR manager closely supports the HoP;
      • The PM/CoP or acting PM (if in place at this stage in project start-up) supports the HoP as needed;
      • The DRD/PQ and DRD/MQ assist with securing personnel and funding for temporary start-up staffing such as temporary duty assignment (TDY) staff and consultants, if necessary;
      • The HoOps ensures completion of administrative processes required to support TDY staff and to hire permanent staff;
      • The CR is involved in identifying temporary coverage options for key personnel positions, if required.

  • When
    • For competitive proposals with a high win probability, initiate planning for start-up staffing within two weeks of proposal submission, and finalize the plan upon receiving notification of the donor’s intent to fund the project.
    • For other competitive proposals, initiate planning as soon as there is an indication of a potential win.

    For discretionary funded projects, proper project planning (Standard 2) should reduce the need for special start-up staffing—e.g., the project design team should have set the project start date based on the availability of permanent project staff. There may be cases, particularly for more complex discretionary funded projects (including emergency projects), wherein temporary start-up staffing support is required. In such cases, finalize start-up staffing plans in time to ensure staff availability as of the project start date. Follow the steps below, telescoping as needed.