Key Actions by:

Standard 5: Early engagement with donor to inform design.

Engage donor prior to and (as possible) during project design and proposal development to encourage a manageable and realistic project scope, budget and timeline in line with donor priorities.

Engage in capture planning for specific funding opportunities, including efforts to influence the call for proposals.

  • When
    • When CRS has determined a prospective funding opportunity is of interest.
  • Partnership
  • When CRS is a sub-recipient
    • If country program, regional, and/or IDEA consultation determines that a sub-recipient role is the most appropriate for CRS for the specific funding opportunity, CRS capture planning may focus on marketing to potential prime organizations. Think carefully about what CRS’ best – and ideal – role as a sub would be, then develop appropriate marketing materials and talking points.   
    • See the “Capture Tool for Subs” in the CRS Capture Toolkit.
  • Emergency projects
    • Capture planning as described above is typically not feasible in rapidly unfolding emergency program contexts.
    • Best practice, especially for ongoing emergencies, is to develop an emergency response strategy to guide capture planning and influence efforts.
    • CRS can and should engage with emergency donors to help shape emergency funding priorities and any calls for proposal, especially in complex emergencies where donors may not have access to the affected areas. See Standard 5, key action 1 for guidance.