Key Actions by:

Standard 4: Staffing for quality (technically sound, timely and effective) project management.

Plan for an adequate complement of CRS and partner staff for quality project management.

Jointly determine an appropriate project staffing structure, position descriptions, and profiles needed at CRS and partner levels.

  • Why

    A major part of designing any successful project is creating an appropriate project staffing plan. Developing a good staffing plan at design stage, and thinking through the details of staff positions and profiles within that plan:

    • Enhances project management by establishing an appropriate set of project positions with clear responsibilities.
    • Helps CRS identify the right people for the right roles.
    • Increases CRS’ competitiveness by demonstrating CRS’ management capacity to the donor.
  • Partnership
    • Close CRS-partner coordination in the development of the project staffing plan is essential to ensure a harmonized staffing plan that clearly describes both CRS and partner staff roles and responsibilities, and that takes into account existing capacities and areas for capacity strengthening. Facilitate active partner participation in the project design workshop and other key moments for project decision-making related to staffing, in line with Standard 2, key action 2.
    • CRS coordination with and accompaniment of partners around project staffing planning should include: reviewing the level of effort and key skill sets required for partner project staff; determining whether existing partner staff can meet project staffing needs or new staff will be needed; and developing position descriptions and profiles to facilitate partner project staff recruitment.
  • When CRS is a sub-recipient
    • Consult the prime organization on their guidelines for CRS project staffing and work with the prime to ensure that CRS can contribute to the overall vision of project staffing and management.  
    • CRS may wish to negotiate with the prime for one of the key personnel positions. If so, CRS should prepare a rationale based on CRS expertise and reputation, and approach this discussion with strong candidates already identified.  
  • Emergency projects